zorin woof
Why is this in complete? It's been too and a half years combat trials came out. And adding new places where you can get already existing items don't count as new content.
zorin woof: Define content. I'm interested to see what's in the mind of an impatient person like you.
zorin woof
Warentan: adding new content into a game is implying there's something new for a player to do. the last update didn't give us anything new
zorin woof: Climbing ability, several new areas (practice areas otw to Climbing Tower), new challenges with Climbing tower.
zorin woof
Warentan: first of all here I'm talking about PC, climbing Tower came out to PC on September 4th, 2020 so the climbing ability is not new. and yes I'm aware that a bunch in new areas came out but there's still nothing new in the game. example Forest brought a whole new biome and, and Combat Trials was an actual reason to level up combat skills.
you mentioned you were 15 so I assume you probably don't have a PC. for the people like myself who started playing Township before the forest update. having 3 amazing updates coming out in one year, and then nothing for two and a half years,I really hope you can see the problem
there's no other game like Township that's why we get frustrated over the lack of updates, we want to see this game becomes so much more than it is and trying to defend a Development Team who is killing their own game is not the way to do that
zorin woof: Yes, I see your frustration. Apologies, I am a quest player so I automatically assume quest is in question.
As for the development status, I'm going to reference Orekay's comment, since he breaks a part of it down nice and simple:
"Glitches are important too, just accept that a game can't live on only updates with no bug fixes. Also, I keep hearing that two years thing despite it not being true. A variety of things were added like the social tablet, muting, the quest codebase merge, and a whole new audio system. Plus, this game has gotten WAY less funding than an AAA game. Many devs are feeling burnout this year and the past one, so much, that the fact they even got the tower ported to quest is insane."
Notice the word "Codebase." before the merge, the two versions of ATT had an entirely different source code. You can see how this would take time, correct? Second, models and textures have to be completely remade for hardware capabilities, and you can't just use a program for models because most of them will fill in collisions, completely breaking hollow stuff like CT. Also, wasn't CT in beta before it got fully released? Correct me if I'm wrong since I dont play PCVR.
Also please for the love of controversy don't start talking about cosmetics. Cosmetics is a completely different department from development.
zorin woof
Warentan: when did I mention cosmetics???
zorin woof: You didn't, i'm just preventing it in early stages because it is an extremely common and unreasonable claim. People keep thinking that all of Alta is working on cosmetics for money when it's an entirely different department.
(sorry for the late reply, I was out of state)
As I said in this post: https://feedback.townshiptale.com/game-feedback/p/improvement-to-the-visibility-of-of-health-and-hunger-ui
You should tell what does it means "completed". You can clearly see how people want to know more
zorin woof
CarloskHard: I think it's kind of funny that Cody_Alta liked the post and then forgot to tell us why the post says completed
I'm a Korean, so I leave a message with a translator.
- Boss: Please make a boss who can only kill with a close-range attack, not a long distance.
- Sea: Please make a shipyard where two people can build a ship together. Let me go out to sea, sail, and clean, fish, drive, and anchor the ship. Treasure Island, please make a pirate.
- An aerial island using climbing. All kinds of eggs and plant birds on the air island... Please make one. Please make a shiny ore and a new weapon mold magic wand on the highest mountain.
Cody_Alta: that's not complete at all... where is the new content?
"We’ve got new climbing play zones, some fun seasonal quests in a pretty new holiday zone, usability improvements (for resource boxes, grab assist, quick access menu, hand-hover points and health & hunger UI), some new and improved visual and sound effects, a pretty new loading screen, as well as a bunch of bug fixes."
Its not content... its fixes or at least improvement for some stuff... but not content...
Azyuu: tower. tower big. big new tower. tower smells of fresh concrete. tower content. tower new content. illuminati, all connected. content not equal content?
Warentan: waaaaw tower, yes right i forgot township tale its just about tower... sorry but i dont care of the tower , + tower already exist so noooo its not a new content its just an upgrade of tower........ 😑 suce bien ta tour mon gars....
Warentan: oh and content would more equal mmmh lets say.... 🤔 HOUSING, NEW AREA, FARMING those kind of stuff that it was supposed to happened after the housing who was teased its few years ago now?!?!?
Azyuu: tower's too big to fit there, my baguette-bearing friend. My character doesn't even have a mouth. Tower was technically still in beta at the time before CT official update. I think you're just mad that coding takes some time lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Devs can't just go "Boop!" and new content appears. It requires planning, bug fixing(which is increasingly difficult because unity amirite?), feedback implementations, and probably a whole ton of stuff that come with the business thing. Housing, New Areas, and Farming happened after housing was >>>teased,<<< not solidified into a prophecy. It's still unclear when housing/anything else will be released, but hey, at the end of the day, it's just a game. You own a VR headset. There's a whole bunch of OTHER games you could play... and also keep in mind that ATT isn't even a RELEASE yet; It's still in pre-alpha. Oh, and one last thing before I go, because I know you're just gonna put this conversation on life support and never let it die(which is annoying and I don't want to deal with it), yslr upit "vpmyrmy" smf djpbr oy iq upit sdd. 👍
Warentan: wow someone doesn't get that its been 2 years since we got something new todo and look hes mocking people who are upset its taking so long poor sad little cringe creature.
Azyuu: is it not still new content tho
Luka: wow someone who doesn't understand that it's hard to juggle corporation management, development, marketing, socials, design, modeling, planning, coordinating, etc. and ignores they fact that there are other games that can be played... poor mislead foolish ignorant creature
Warentan: You assume ive not been playing other games wow just sad what a ignorant fool. If only he knew how long ive not been playing this i just pop in to see the lack of progress and just move on. Only reason i even said anything is because you act so ignorant about upset players meny understand how it works im fing 30 years old i do understand how its made so next time stfu and let the others vent there rage and frustration about a team that takes too long to implement existing content. Ive seen you post a lot on these threads you are actively aggravating people do us all a favor be quite for once you are ignorant of others experiences and meny of us are smarter then you give credit for.
Luka: lul rage much
how else more simple can I make it? Its just a game. If you don't like the development, then just leave.
Calling me ignorant while you fail to realize programming = time? what happened to quality > quantity my friend?
You should be old enough to know these things!
I never said you were dumb, just not looking at the bigger picture. If ATT's gonna get to where it wants to be, time and effort will have to go in, not rapid updates with minor fixes and tweaks.
Also, at what other time have I aggravated someone on this site other than now? I've only really provided info and asked for more details if someone ever made a mistake... Are you out of excuses and making things up now?
Calm down, my g. It's just a game.
Warentan: Are you not reading what you type man...meny of your answers are pointless or absolutely ment to piss off the other(your response is a good example of what i ment and the meny ones below too thanks for proving my point), spitting out the same thing over and over will not help people calm down about this(this is not the only thread ive seen you post similar answers in) expressly the pc players we've been around a long time at this point. Look i understand good work takes time but how long do you expect the community to wait...a lot of us have been waiting for years man just chill with unhelpful back handed comments about development they are running out of excuses its a sad fact the game is dying due to bad management. I would quit but id lose all the cosmetics i bought and it just seems like such a waste of money. :(
Also the game badly needs small updates and fixes it keeps the community hyped and engaged > more players more publicity more money. They sadly have bugs they seemingly dont know how to fix. (Takes me a long time to respond because i only look into this game once in awhile)
Luka: Listen, pal, I've only really made these aggro comments to people who are too ignorant to see the truth. I say the same thing over and over because it's true, but you won't commit to grasping the concept. I am reading what I'm saying, and I know what I'm saying, but I make fun of you because you won't READ and SEE the very obvious context in front of you.
for if you STILL haven't grasped the development status...
Boramy just stepped down and Jack has taken control.
Jack got too excited and took a bigger bite than the development team could chew, which was why the last update took so long.
Cosmetics is a completely separate department, so don't get mad at them. Alta has a strong work-life balance ratio, so employees are also living their own life away from work.
The Alta team just had a massive employee boost, so they're still trying to manage and coordinate everyone while developing ATT.
ATT IS STILL A PRE-ALPHA!!! There's gonna be hiccups in the system with a new game and company.
Warentan: sigh you dont seem to understand at all did you even read what i wrote? Inever mentioned anything about the cosmetics team besides saying i dint want to lose what i purchased from that side. Your still repeating the same thing from months ago now and still picking fights. Reading your old responses i can see your on the young side who thinks he knows everything about development. Others have pointed out to you meny times YOU just won't commit to grasping the concept. we know how its made but people like you wont step off. That employee boost was a long time ago or is there a new one ive not heard of? Maybe jack can get things rolling again but a lot of good faith is gone just like my faith that you'll chill on this subject.
Edit- Your still ignoring others experiences and intelligence months later, chill young one we know whats going on, you are ignoring whats said right in front of you but with time you will mature enough to see from others point of view. AGAIN Only reason i said anything is because you are actively fighting with people examples below and above.
Edit 2-Found this from you its obvious your not happy either
It's been over a month... What's going on?
·February 6, 2023
Why has this not been marked under review yet? We've lost hours and hours of progress because the bag collision is huge while climbing. Arrows, bags, food, swords, everything. PLEASE fix this, Alta.
I JUST lost a palladium boom-hammer while climbing.
February 6, 2023
Ive now shown several examples of your misconduct....do you still think bug fixs and small updates dont mater or are you just a hypocrite who wants to pretend they've never said any of this?
Luka: Yes, I've been reading what you say, but the one thing that aggrevates me the most is people not thinking and saying "give me now! give me now!" So, I put a counter-aggrevation against them to get them to be quiet. Also, I diddn't want to add this to my last post, but "Pointless?" So you're telling me, that whenever I say, "Development takes time," or, "ATT is a pre-alpha," or, "The devs have a lot to do," that all those claims are "Pointless?" It is absolutely relevant, and is in fact the very pinnacle of this topic.
For the first cited comment, I wanted to see a deeper story into what Alta had on their plate so I could get an estimate for a new update date, so I up-voted to try and get some data. Contradictory to what you said, I do not know everything about the development status, and that is why I upvoted the post as to gain more knowledge about such topics. As for the second comment, I was blinded by frustration while writing the comment cited (it was recent, so I can remember) and I lashed at the devs, I admit. But that doesn't mean they don't have other things on their plate to work with. There's still tons of work to do, and it's naturally pretty frustrating when they have to do everything twice in both PCVR and Quest versions. (Side note, I cited cosmetics since I was tired of "stop making cosmetics and work on the game!" from other players [see post directly below this one], not necessarily you.) For your final note, Yes, small bug fixes and updates matter, however, there's a golden rule when it comes to content creation; Quality over Quantity. Players will get more hyped when a huge update comes out rather than tiny little blips on the radar.
Before you criticize, "You said the same thing again," take a moment to think about them. In fact, let me sum it up into a sentence; ATT is a Pre-Alpha game developed by an indie studio with lots of busy work-life ratio based devs trying to fix and implement code on two divergent platforms whilst rushing as to not get yelled at by their players.
I make this one final remark; Why are we arguing about this? This originally started with a VR game and now it's deteriorated into this reddit-y argument (which I wholly admit that I had a part in). Can we just be patient for new updates and play our silly little games with our silly little headsets?
If you want new content so bad, make your own meta. Install a bot on your server. Heck, make your own bot and share it with others if you're willing to dabble in code... I've noticed that ATT already has a lot of features that allow for versatile game-play and new metas, so exploit it to your fullest advantage until new updates release.
Edit: I intend this to be a final closing point to this argument. I likely won't comment anymore unless I literally have nothing else to do at the moment. I likely won't even open this thread anymore due to it's deteriorated state.
Warentan: im glad we can agree this should be the end of argument. Next time have some empathy for other users you freely admited you too have raged at the devs just like meny in this vary section.
PS. We are arguing because you where fighting with literally everyone someone had to get you to be quiet.(You admitted to doing this in your first paragraph) By pointless i ment its not helping your point just sounds like preaching from an underaged kid.
Luka: I lack empathy. Mental issue caused by factors anonymous, but I'll try to be better at it. Also I don't want to be seen as some 8yo so I'm saying now that I'm 15, which is not that young. Glad we could come to an agreement.
Okay, honestly I'm leaving now. I was about to go to bed and had nothing better to do.
Warentan: Thats not true you absolutely feel empathy for the devs your main points has been from there perspective/benefit thats empathy, I suggest you keep your comments to yourself if you think you are unable to act in good faith.
Example- "Before you criticize, "You said the same thing again," take a moment to think about them." = empathy.
A bit of advice from someone twice your age acting like you have no emotions in high school sounds cool and edgy but to meny you will come off as an ass hole, your peers online and in life will despise you for your comments and activity return your hostility like i did. Im not trying to restart a fight this is genuinely tossing out advise. You have empathy i dont know your life but this was bad form from both of us in meny ways.(My first comments)
Luka: Lack of Empathy = unable to receive and express emotions(Emphasis on receiving and less on expressing, I can still express emotion fine), not flat out not having any. I do have emotions, I just find it hard to read others and imagine what they would feel. I must use logistical approaches to assume what others feel. And it's not cool or edgy to me at all, more so frustrating considering I have no idea what anyone feels about anything I do, which really doesn't help in a stressful place like high school...
just wanted to clear a misconception. ;)
Please stop making cosmetics and give us insight to what is going on. Focus all your attention to making a new update that will keep people wanting to play, give them a reason to come back to the game. Its been so long since there was an update. Ive been playing this game for almost a year and a half and nothing has changed in the entire time that ive been playing. I love this game to death and i want there to be a bigger player base and i want there to be more content so i can have more fun on it but it feels like weve been abandoned. Theres been no Alta cast, no updates, we dont even get the alta logs anymore. even if those provided little to no info it was still reassuring to know that stuff was coming. Im no game dev at all but with the millions of dollars you guys have recieved and all the new memebers of the team i would think we would atleast get something small. And i really dont think that it would take a team of however many of you there are and the millions of funding to add the climbing tower to the game. You guys had so many features on the old roadmap leaving us hoping that we would get one of those updates atleast every few months but no. You guys have provided nothing but you are so ambitious with where you want to take this game and announce all your ideas like they are confirmed for a coming update but in reality we are left with hopes and dreams of even an announcement that these updates are coming in the next few years let alone the update itself. So please, get your game together, use your funding, put your team to good use, and give us an update. I promise you will see players coming back for it you just have to try.
SalmonOne: two things, then I'll go, and prolly never respond lol... Cosmetics is it's own department which has nothing to do with development, and funding only really supports servers, bandwidth, and the lives of the devs, and unfortunately can't increase development speed...
Merged in a post:
Progress Updates
While many players are upset that so-and-so planned feature isn't out yet, I feel like most people would be a lot more satisfied if they knew what the devs are working on behind the scenes. I think it would be super helpful if the Altacasts had a "work in progress" section or something, so people could see that things are actually being worked on.
Merged in a post:
Development Transparency (NOT fluff posts)
actual roadmaps or a look into what's going on behind the scenes.
they could have added literally anything, even a singular new monster to be able to kill. I think there was a comment by someone on the team saying something along the lines of "we want to add significant updates, not small updates that people will get bored of", okay, well, that may be the case, but adding literally nothing is not much better.
ANYTHING at this point would be an improvement than the current culture of absolute dead silence.
You could add a community goal system like "kill 100,000 of X" (globally) across all servers, and if the community reaches said goal they unlock a small cosmetic or something. ANYTHING to add engagement.
Atla has raised tens of millions of dollars in funding, and in the span of the last year alone, seemingly hired around a dozen new employees. I understand Atla is trying to merge the two branches of quest and PC and this is no small task, and the recent engine update to Unity 2020 as well is no small undertaking. however, regardless of this, it's the absolute lack of transparency that is so disheartening.
I can't help but feel there is strong mismanagement behind the scenes or a lack of direction, because we've been shown nothing to state otherwise.
we're not dumb. those of us who look at the whole picture know you are making the majority of your money from the quest environment and have hard pivoted to try to support it, and are clearly struggling with either bringing it up to balance with the PC version, or have attempted new things that haven't worked out-- but giving us nothing is leaving the community with a terrible taste in their mouth.
if you've made failures, own up to them, any progress would still be appreciated to see. it doesn't matter if content is months away or years away, just keep your community in the loop. because right now, the game kind of feels like we're being grifted.
a little bit of honesty would go a long way.
Merged in a post:
Where is… everything..?
It’s been around a year and a half since a township tale has launched on quest. My main issue is that I am forced to pay for the game just to get a significantly worse version of the game, when it is normally free on pc. My other major issues is that over the past year we have gotten almost nothing, I can not play the game anymore without being bored out of my mind so I have to set it up on my pc or play a different game. The only somewhat meaningful updates was bug fixes, actual bugs, and then a tablet so people could do friend stuff and moderation. None of these things have changed the game in anyway and the quest community is literally being starved to death from extreme lack of content. I can’t know for certain, but I truly doubt it takes a year of work to implement an already existing feature into the same game with a few optimizations (poorly done for the record) and launching it. There is an entire team of devs doing what seems to me to be nothing but basic bug patches and cosmetics. In all honesty even Lemming (a singular person with life problems) has more frequent updates and that’s saying something. The only excuse I see is if the team has been working on literally everything we’ve been waiting for in one update and peak optimizations. I mean no disrespect, but this is my truth. In conclusion, A Township Tale is enjoyable the first time around then you don’t pick it up for the next couple of months. The game as a whole needs serve optimizations for both quest and pc, and the team needs to keep their promises from what seems like centuries ago. Tens of thousands are waiting patiently for house building, the tower, the forest, trails, and far more to come. It’s time to start investing time into this game more and make it whole again.
Merged in a post:
Stop making store rotations and actually push out good fun updates. Without new updates the game gets boring real fast.
Merged in a post:
Any new updates for PC
I love the game and everything about it, but it’s been about a year and a half you have been working on the climbing tower on the quest, I have not played in so long just because item storage is such a problem for me. Just wish you guys would hurry up on doing anything so I can try going into the mines without fearing to loose all my stuff or glitch it out of bounds.
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