Dashboard / Bot moderation for social tablet
To make the work of admins and moderators easier, it would be nice to manage the actions of the social tablet via the dashboard or with bots.
Here are my suggestions:
-- additional subscription stream --
Allows to follow the actions live. A report could then be posted live to the moderators' Discord so that they could intervene quickly even when they are not in the game.
Possible entries:
- Player has been reported
- Players have become friends
- Player has been banned
-- commands--
- social reports show-all
- social reports show-open
- social reports show-closed
- social reports show-by [Username / userID]
(lists all reports sent by a user)
- social reports show-about [Username / userID]
(lists all reports about one user)
- social reports close [reportID]
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Adding on to this, The report feature could open up a ticket in some kind of report ticket system. Where you and the one who opened the ticket can chat back and forth. The way this would work is simple I as a player see someone player killing I report them and when I'm done playing in the launcher or even in game if a keyboard appeared I could explain what happened. Also allow the report function to be accessible to more people then just the owner as many servers have entire dedicated teams to manage and run servers.
That would be so helpful