Are you tired of losing hours of work because some dude who just joined the game grabbed your bag while you needed two hands for something, and throws it into the river and leaves the game forever? Well, there’s one way I’ve solved this and it may just work - Bag claim system!
  • Users who create a bag of any kind will have a baggage claim card, able to be accessed through the small orb menu for trading of bags, management of claimed bags, ETC.
  • Users with the baggage claim card will automatically have their bags relocated into the mailbox if they are more than 40 (or more) meters away from the bag, or if the bag is not on a hook.
  • Users without the baggage claim card for a bag will not be able to grab a bag, or the contents inside or outside of the bag. They also cannot move the bag with physics of any kind.
  • To ensure safe distribution of baggage claim cards, you may only share baggage claim cards with users who are friended.
  • If a friended user is unfriended or blocked, you will have the option to remove all of your baggage claim cards off of your account, if you originally made the bag.
  • Duel Mode | If two users engage in a duel with one another, activated through perhaps an orb thingy in the orb menu, A small arena outline of rocks will be summoned, and if a user dies, they forfeit their inventory to the victor. (Could be a fun concept, and even something that could be used to develop tournaments in servers!)
  • Baggage Claim can also be enabled or disabled for servers, making it optional for server owners, if they enjoy the chaos of stolen bags,
-Users with a claim on a bag can also change the name of their bag, which is only seen by them, and no other users, even if they also have a claim on the bag.
I think this can be a nice concept. Making it optional can also help with people who want to still play the game “hardcore”. This could stop a lot of problems people have with bags on a lot of servers, and can make servers that focus on co-op more co-op-y. Also with it being optional, there can still be servers focused around PVP and taking resources from people. Hope the Dev team considers this!
  • Someone who’s had their bag stolen too much