I found this just a few days ago, but in that time, I've looked through the majority of feedback and ideas, and I'd like to put my twist on them and collect them here, as well as my own.
Ideas from:
TheRavenSeb has suggested using the social tablet to place a transparent version (hologram) of what you want to build, and throwing the required objects on. I think this is great, and should be done with snapping. Maybe the social tablet could be replaced with a housing recipe book, which would be your own personal book that you could get pages for. Like moulds, pages for housing would keep spawning, so everybody could get them. You'd have to find them for your own personal recipe book, and you could just throw pages into a place you've selected to confirm it. I think housing plots should come as a fence, and a sign to show who owns the plot and how big the plot is. Plots should also come in different sizes, with more materials needed for bigger plots. In terms of actually making plots, they could either be made in the crafting house with a recipe, or an entirely new part of the town that lets you make them. They should probably come in some sort of small box, that can be placed on
the ground and activated. From there, you should be able to grab some sort of building tablet and snap place things down. You should also be able to place things found in the town, like the smelter and crafting deck, as there wouldn't be much use for houses otherwise. Having beds to set your spawn point would also be nice, as the normal spawn can be
pretty boring. It would be nice to spawn at your house when you use a recall potion, and be able to dump off the stuff you got on your adventure. A miner could easily drink a recall potion and drop off their ores in their chest after a long mining expedition. Tents are another amazing idea. Bob Stuntsville's idea to put it in a large leather roll storage spot is great, but I don't think it should store items as well (and that could just be an infinite backpack if not done right). I think you should have to set it up every time as well, so they aren't overused. People have suggested making cauldrons only work at the tavern, as otherwise the staffs are useless ( https://feedback.townshiptale.com/game-feedback/p/cauldron-cooking-only-on-staff ), and the tent could have a cauldron stand so it'd be more useful to make stews in the wild. Tents could also act as a temporary spawn point for travels. They could have a door as well to keep you safe from creatures, but they could be breakable, so that you couldn't abuse them for the spawn or safety. They could be set up using a large cover made from multiple large leather rolls, allowing it to be a late mid game item, making it out of realistic materials, and allowing you to carry it, as it would take 2-8 large leather rolls to make. You could use sticks, or maybe some new wooden thing made from carpentry to set it up, and use wooden spokes at the four corners to give them a user outside lighting. You could still put crystals or grass on the spokes though, for tent lighting. The entire thing would be set up like crafting is, with nails. Bob Stuntsville has also suggested that housing be added before the forest is added to quest. Although it would probably come to both at around the same time, I think the forest is just too good a place to build houses, and should be added beforehand. On quest, there's only one way to get big leather (wyrms), only one type of wood, and only 7 (out of the 10) creatures, and there's even more quest is
missing if you include the variants. The forest should also be updated with more, which I'll cover below.
The forest should be updated along with its quest port. The turabada shard core could be used to build plots, and could be harvested by chiseling out, although you'd have to be careful. If you hit too hard, it'd explode, so you'd have to hit carefully to get it out. It could fit in a large leather roll slot or a few, or even just have to be carried to make it harder to get plots. The enemy spawning could also be redone, so that enemies would spawn equally instead of a few enemies occupying random patches of space. The mine elevator could be redone, to instead have rare patches of good ore far apart instead of coal and copper. The caves could also be great for housing if a new light was added that was big enough. There should also be some new creatures along with it, as there currently aren't many, and they're somewhat similar.
A township tale should have baking, and it would fit perfectly. If farming is ever added, maybe a windmill could be too. You could use a hand crank, or the windmill when it's windy, or a water wheel if you're on a housing plot by water to make flour (which could be stored in sacks made of cloth, as they're pretty useless currently). You could use that flour to make bread, or pie (which already has tons of ingredients it could use, like apples, blueberries, and pumpkins). I think it'd fit well with the feeling of a township tale.
Ideas from:
Fishing would be great, and as TheRavenSeb has suggested, it should use some sort of bait on the end like mushrooms. It would be pretty simple, dunk it in, wait, and reel it in. I don't have many of my own ideas for it. Swimming would also be amazing and when typing this I found that Ulyn had commented a lot of the same ideas as me. It would be like the climbing tower, and would have a new breath bar exactly like the stamina bar with climbing. It would also solve the problem of backpacks getting thrown or lost in water. There could be (inspired by goosefruits idea) an entirely new area like the climbing canyon or the forest for swimming. It could be a large lake, with tons of islands around, giving loot. Although goose suggested hebois camps, I think it'd be cool if it was an entirely different set of weapons. Maybe you could find fishing rods on these islands, or some sort of a housing recipe for docks and moats. If there was a recipe for moats, perhaps there could be a new barrel
(like the barrel bag, but it can only be held so its harder to transport water, but holds way more in return). You could use this new huge barrel to fill up the moats, or even create decorative water features and lakes.
Ideas from:
Weather could be a cool system, allowing you to slip on terrain you could normally walk on durring rain. Maybe some (new) creatures would only come out during a thunderstorm, while others would only come out during rain. Maybe you could be slowed down and do less damage during rain, or the clouds could block the sun making it essentially night. You could combat the rain by putting down a tent and using a bow to hunt creatures if it was safe, or make an umbrella with sticks and cloth (yet another use for it). There could be hunting towers in the forest with chests full of arrows, and cover from rain. Maybe rain could make other players quieter, making it hard to hear others. I think weather would be a great challenge for the game.
Those are the ideas. Might put more in the comments if I get more ideas. I'm not really interested in magic in the game so I didn't include that, but there are probably tons of great ideas for it.